
String Telephone

Today we built our own string telephones! We learned that the sound waves from our voice travel through the plastic cup, through the string and vibrates the other person's plastic cup and that's when they can hear our voice. It's very important to make sure the string is tight when using your string telephones to allow the sound waves to vibrate and pass through! Reminders: - Tomorrow is picture retake day 

Weekly Update

 Here is an update about what Room 14 has been up to for the week! Language Arts This week, we reviewed the different ways that we can practice our word work words. Some ways that we practiced included rainbow writing, staircase words, sorting using headers and sentences/story. Next week, we will be put into our word work groups and receive our new list of words! Math We continued learning how to compare numbers up to 1000 (for grade 3's) and up to 10,000 (for grade 4's).  Science We learned that sound is made from vibrations and moves in waves. We also learned that sound moves through a variety of mediums, such as air, water, and solid objects and about amplitude (how big sound waves are) and pitch (how many sound waves there are). We will be exploring these concepts further next week. Have a great, safe weekend! 

Thankful Room 14

Today, we wrote about what we are thankful for in our lives. We talked about the people we are thankful for, like our families, friends, doctors and police men. We also talked about what we are thankful for such as food, our homes and our pets.  In the afternoon, we practiced logging into laptops and explored Prodigy to practice our math skills and Get Epic to practice our reading skills.  To access Get Epic at home, you can go to , select Class Code , put in our classroom code bye0993 and find your child's name! They can then practice their reading skills at home :)  School photos also went home today. Happy Thanksgiving to all of Room 14 and their families! Have a lovely long weekend :) Reminders: - NO SCHOOL Friday, October 9 and Monday, October 12


Today, we had a discussion around technology and if it is good or bad. The majority of us said technology was good because it can help us learn new things through the internet, connect with friends and families across the world, and let us do our homework (as many of us have seen parents and older siblings do their work using technology). We agreed that technology can be bad when it is used too much so it is important to limit our time on technology.  Reminders: - Please bring a pair of headphones/ear buds to school tomorrow in a baggie with your child's name on it, as we will be needing them while we use laptops for the school year ☺ - NO SCHOOL - Friday, October 9 and Monday October 12

Orange Shirt Day

Today was Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is a day when we honor the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and to learn more about the history of those schools. We decorated our own orange shirts with hopeful message to those who were impacted by residential schools. Reminder: Tomorrow is the Terry Fox run so it is the last day we are collecting donations! 

Monday in Room 14

Today, we did lots of learning in Room 14! In math, we learned how to compare numbers using the term "greater than". In Social Studies, we made posters for the Terry Fox run coming up on Thursday October 1st. O.S. Geiger will be collecting donations throughout this week. In Language Arts, we wrote about what we did over the weekend - the trick was that we could write the truth, or a complete lie! Many of us were very creative, using our imagination to come up with amazing stories about what "happened" over the weekend.  From our students: We made posters for Terry. - Grace Ask me about my Terry Fox poster. - Simoon The Terry Fox run is on Thursday, October 1st. - Jannat Important dates for this week: Orange Shirt Day - September 30 Terry Fox Run - October 1st

Hello Families of Room 14!

 Welcome to the 2020/2021 school year!  We are so happy and excited to have our grade 3/4 students back in school! This blog is where you'll find updates on what we are currently learning and working on in class, as well as other important information about events happening at school - so check-in frequently!  Our blogs will be written by Ms. Le with the help of Room 14 students and their very special voices ☺